The summer 2015 issue of Signs (vol. 40, no. 4) is now available on JSTOR! The issue opens with Mimi Thi Nguyen’s “The Hoodie as Sign, Screen, Expectation, and Force,” a meditation on the valences of the hoodie in the aftermath of Trayvon Martin’s murder. Through the hoodie, Nguyen explores the colonial racial optics that […]
Blog Post
Spring 2015 (vol. 40, no. 3)

The Spring 2015 issue of Signs contains the winner of the 2015 Catharine Stimpson Prize for Outstanding Feminist Scholarship (Venla Oikonnen’s article “Mitochondrial Eve and the Affective Politics of Human Ancestry”), a cluster of articles on Feminist Sinologies (edited by Nan Z. Da and Wang Zheng), and the inaugural editorial from the new editor of […]
Winter 2015 (vol. 40, no. 2)

The Winter 2015 issue of Signs begins with a comparative perspective symposium titled “Politics of the Sensing Subject: Gender, Perception, Art,” edited and introduced by Anne Keefe. The symposium is inspired by the new centrality of affective studies in feminist theorizations of subjectivity, embodiment, politics, and social change. The five essays in the symposium demonstrate […]
Video of Signs@40 Anniversary Event

Video of the Signs@40: Feminist Scholarship through Four Decades event held at Rutgers University’s Douglass Library is below. Celebrating the fortieth anniversary of Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, speakers explore the history of feminist publishing and the use of digital humanities techniques to map the field. Hosted by Professor Mary Hawkesworth, outgoing Editor […]
Inaugural Editorial: Thinking and Doing Feminism
This editorial by Suzanna Danuta Walters, the incoming editor of Signs, will appear in the Spring 2015 issue. It is with great pride and pleasure that I join the distinguished ranks of editors of Signs. Along with my colleague Carla Kaplan, who will serve as Chair of the Board of Associate Editors, I am excited to begin […]
Signs Events at NWSA 2014 Conference

Editors from Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society will be holding several events at the upcoming National Women’s Studies Association conference, Feminist Transgressions, which will provide opportunities to discuss the world of feminist academic publishing and hear pragmatic advice from experts in the field. Saturday, November 15: Chat with Signs Editors: Join Signs Deputy Editor […]
Autumn 2014 (vol. 40, no. 1)

The most recent issue of Signs (available on JSTOR) begins with a Comparative Perspectives Symposium on “Gendered Bodies in the Protest Sphere,” edited by Miranda Outman-Kramer and Susana Galán. Inspired by the wave of grassroots protests that swept the world beginning in 2011, this symposium sets out to consider the politics of the protesting body—a […]
Next Editorial Team of Signs Announced
The University of Chicago Press has recently announced the next home of the Signs editorial office. Under the leadership of Professors Suzanna Danuta Walters and Carla Kaplan, the Signs editorial office will be housed at Northeastern University, beginning in 2015. The longstanding tradition of rotating the editorship of Signs ensures that new voices and perspectives […]
Highlights for the American Sociological Association’s 2014 Annual Meeting
To mark the 109th annual conference of the American Sociological Association, which will feature many Signs authors, Signs is making three articles freely available for a limited period. These recent articles, all written by conference attendees, demonstrate the conceptual and methodological innovations of feminist research on economic inequality published in Signs, as well as its […]
Films for the Feminist Classroom: New Issue and New Home

A new issue of Films for the Feminist Classroom, an online, open-access journal of films reviews, lesson plans, and other essays, has just been published. This issue marks the first to be published under the auspices of the Department of Women’s Studies at Texas Woman’s University and the editorship of Agatha Beins. FFC, which was formerly housed in the […]