Signs and the University of Chicago Press are pleased to announce that Leah Claire Allen’s article “The Pleasure of Dangerous Criticism: Interpreting Andrea Dworkin as a Literary Critic” has been awarded the 2017 Florence Howe Award for the field of English, presented by the Women’s Caucus of the Modern Language Association. The article was published in the Signs […]
Shatema Threadcraft Wins 2015 Okin-Young Award
Signs and the University of Chicago Press are pleased to announce that Shatema Threadcraft’s article “Intimate Injustice, Political Obligation, and the Dark Ghetto” has been awarded the 2015 Okin-Young Award, which recognizes the best paper on feminist political theory published in an English-language academic journal during the previous calendar year. In celebration, the University of Chicago […]
Nadieszda Kizenko Awarded 2013 Distinguished Article Prize from Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture
Signs is very pleased to announce that Nadieszda Kizenko has been awarded the Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture‘s 2013 Distinguished Article Prize for her Signs article “Feminized Patriarchy? Orthodoxy and Gender in Post-Soviet Russia.” Please join us in congratulating her! Kizenko’s article investigates the tensions facing religious women in contemporary Russia. Kizenko […]
Signs Authors Win Florence Howe Awards at #MLA14
Two articles recently published in Signs have been awarded the Florence Howe Award for Outstanding Feminist Scholarship from the Women’s Caucus of the Modern Languages Association. The awards ceremony will take place at the MLA Convention in Chicago on Thursday, January 9, from 8:45-10:00 pm in Chicago VIII at the Sheraton Chicago. The awards will […]
Signs Article Wins 2013 Sex and Gender Distinguished Article Award

Ashley Currier’s Signs article “The Aftermath of Decolonization: Gender and Sexual Dissidence in Postindependence Namibia” has been awarded the 2013 Sex and Gender Distinguished Article Award from the Sex and Gender section of the American Sociological Association. Currier’s article, which was published in the Winter 2012 issue of Signs, explores the sociological effects of “political […]