The cover of the Spring 2020 issue of Signs features Julie Mehretu’s Sing, Unburied, Sing (J.W.).
The Spring 2020 issue of Signs is now available online through the University of Chicago Press.
The table of contents is as follows:
Rape and the Inner Lives of Black Women in the Middle West: A Commemoration
A symposium edited by Shoniqua Roach
(Re)turning to “Rape and the Inner Lives of Black Women”: A Black Feminist Forum on the Culture of Dissemblance
Shoniqua Roach
Black Feminine Enigmas, or Notes on the Politics of Black Feminist Theory
Jennifer C. Nash
“Sellin’ Your Own Body”: Contextualizing Racialized Gender Violence and Illicit Sexual Practice
Terrion L. Williamson
On Trans Dissemblance: Or, Why Trans Studies Needs Black Feminism
V Varun Chaudhry
Contextualizing Black Disability and the Culture of Dissemblance
Sami Schalk
On Dirty Computers and Dissemblance
Marlo D. David
Migratory Dissemblance
Rebecca Wanzo
Complaint and the World-Building Politics of Feminist Moderation
Bonnie Washick
The Pull to the Liberal Public: Gender, Orientalism, and Peacebuilding in Afghanistan
Maliha Chishti
Feminist Blind Spots and the Affect of Secularity: Disorienting the Discourse of the Veil in Contemporary Morocco
Nadia Guessous
Halal Dating, Purdah, and Postfeminism. What the Sexual Projects of Pakistani Women Can Tell Us about Agency
Fauzia Husain
Surveillance by Another Name: The Modern Slavery Act, Global Factory Workers, and Part-Time Sex Work in Sri Lanka
Sandya Hewamanne
The Watch-Bitch Now: Reassessing the Natural Woman in Han Kang’s The Vegetarian and Charlotte Wood’s The Natural Way of Things
Alix Beeston
Abortion as Gender Transgression: Reproductive Justice, Queer Theory, and Anti–Crisis Pregnancy Center Activism
Carly Thomsen and Grace Tacherra Morrison
Abortion Rights in Images: Visual Interventions by Activist Organizations in Argentina
Barbara Sutton and Nayla Luz Vacarezza
Ask a Feminist
Soraya Chemaly Discusses Feminist Rage with Carla Kaplan and Durba Mitra