The Spring 2020 issue of Signs is now available online through the University of Chicago Press. The table of contents is as follows: Rape and the Inner Lives of Black Women in the Middle West: A Commemoration A symposium edited by Shoniqua Roach (Re)turning to “Rape and the Inner Lives of Black Women”: A Black […]
Signs News
Winter 2020 (vol. 45, no. 2)
The Winter 2020 issue of Signs is now available online through the University of Chicago Press. The table of contents is as follows: Backlash and the Future of Feminism A symposium edited by Jennifer M. Piscopo and Denise M. Walsh, with Brittany Leach and Eileen Ying Introduction: Backlash and the Future of Feminism Jennifer M. […]
Autumn 2019 (vol. 45, no. 1)
The Autumn 2019 issue of Signs is now available online. The table of contents is as follows: Reproductive Justice and the History of Prenatal Supplementation: Ethics, Birth Spacing, and the “Priority Infant” Model in The Gambia Meredith Reiches Winner of the 2019 Catharine Stimpson Prize for Outstanding Feminist Scholarship Dr. Anna B. Ott, Patient #1763: […]
Summer 2019 (vol. 44, no. 4)

The summer 2019 issue of Signs is now available online from the University of Chicago Press. The table of contents is as follows: Reproducing Racial Fictions: Critical Meditations on (a) Lesbian Pregnancy Emily Alyssa Owens Feminism against Biocapitalism: Gestational Surrogacy and the Limits of the Labor Paradigm Johanna Oksala Pinkwashing the “Honor Crime”: Murdered Muslim Women […]
Gender and the Rise of the Global Right (Spring 2019; vol. 44, no. 3)
Gender and the Rise of the Global Right, a special issue edited by Agniezska Graff, Ratna Kapur, and Suzanna Danuta Walters, is now available.
Winter 2019 (vol. 44, no. 2)
The winter 2019 issue of Signs is now available online from the University of Chicago Press. The table of contents is as follows: A Note from the Editor Suzanna Danuta Walters Articles Milk Money: Race, Gender, and Breast Milk “Donation” Laura Harrison The Polluted Child and Maternal Responsibility in the US Environmental Health Movement Norah […]