The Winter 2020 issue of Signs is now available online through the University of Chicago Press.
The table of contents is as follows:
Backlash and the Future of Feminism
A symposium edited by Jennifer M. Piscopo and Denise M. Walsh, with Brittany Leach and Eileen Ying
Introduction: Backlash and the Future of Feminism
Jennifer M. Piscopo and Denise M. Walsh
Anything but Reactionary: Exploring the Mechanics of Backlash
Michelle V. Rowley
Backlash as the Moment of Revelation
Erica Townsend-Bell
Backlash, Intersectionality, and Trumpism
Zein Murib
Violence against Women in Politics: Latin America in an Era of Backlash
Juliana Restrepo Sanin
Visibility Politics: Theorizing Racialized Gendering, Homosociality, and the Feminicidal State
Mary Hawkesworth
Whose Backlash, Against Whom? Feminism and the American Pro-Life Movement’s “Mother-Child Strategy”
Brittany R. Leach
Toward a Feminist Future: A Political Strategy for Fighting Backlash and Advancing Gender Equity
Nancy L. Cohen
A Conversation with Susan Faludi on Backlash, Trumpism, and #Metoo
Susan Faludi and Shauna Shames, with Jennifer M. Piscopo and Denise M. Walsh
Feminist Storytelling and Narratives of Intersectionality
Kaisa Ilmonen
Queering Black Girlhood at the Virginia Industrial School
Mary Zaborskis
Moon Girls and Mythical Beasts: Analyzing Race, Gender, and Monstrosity
Samantha Langsdale
Making Black Women Scientists under White Empiricism: The Racialization of Epistemology in Physics
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein
Asking for It: Rape Myths, Satire, and Feminist Lacunae
Viveca S. Greene and Amber Day
Gender Irrelevance: How Women and Men Rationalize Their Support for the Right
Susanne Y.P. Choi, Ruby Y.S. Lai, and Javier C.L. Pang