Video of the Signs@40: Feminist Scholarship through Four Decades event held at Rutgers University’s Douglass Library is below. Celebrating the fortieth anniversary of Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, speakers explore the history of feminist publishing and the use of digital humanities techniques to map the field. Hosted by Professor Mary Hawkesworth, outgoing Editor […]
Signs Events at NWSA 2014 Conference

Editors from Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society will be holding several events at the upcoming National Women’s Studies Association conference, Feminist Transgressions, which will provide opportunities to discuss the world of feminist academic publishing and hear pragmatic advice from experts in the field. Saturday, November 15: Chat with Signs Editors: Join Signs Deputy Editor […]
Highlights for the American Sociological Association’s 2014 Annual Meeting
To mark the 109th annual conference of the American Sociological Association, which will feature many Signs authors, Signs is making three articles freely available for a limited period. These recent articles, all written by conference attendees, demonstrate the conceptual and methodological innovations of feminist research on economic inequality published in Signs, as well as its […]
Abuse at Tutwiler Prison
Recent news reports detail a pattern of horrifying abuse at Alabama’s Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women. Artists Toni Bowers and Natasha Ward, whose work appears on the cover of Signs’s special issue on Women, Gender, and Prison are inmates in this institution. Their work, their artists’s statement, and their bios are testimony to their extraordinary […]
Highlights for the Feminist Digital Pedagogies Conference, January 23-24, 2014
The Feminist Digital Pedagogies Conference, hosted by the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies at Rutgers University, will take place in New Brunswick, NJ, next week, on January 23 and 24. The conference will be streamed live, starting at 1 pm on Thursday, on the department’s website, and updates will be available through its Facebook page as well […]
Signs at the 2013 National Women’s Studies Association Conference
There are two opportunities to speak with Signs editors at the upcoming NWSA conference, Negotiating Points of Encounter. At the workshop “Academic Publishing in Women’s Studies: Journals,” Signs editor in chief Mary Hawkesworth will join editors of other top women’s studies journals–Gail Cohee of Feminist Teacher, Sandra Soto of Feminist Formations, and Ashwini Tambe of Feminist […]
Highlights for the 2013 Critical Ethnic Studies Association Conference

The second Critical Ethnic Studies Association conference, which will feature presentations from many Signs authors, begins tomorrow. As scholars and activists at the conference grapple with the historical ruptures, epistemic breaks, and everyday violences produced by racism and colonization, Signs is providing open access to two articles from our recent special issue “Women, Gender, and […]
Highlights for the American Sociological Association’s 2013 Annual Meeting
In light of the fact that the 108th annual conference of the American Sociological Association kicks off in New York at the end of this week, Signs is making freely available, for a limited period, two articles of interest to ASA members, or to anyone with an interest in feminist sociology. These two articles demonstrate […]
Highlights for the Society for Cinema and Media Studies 2013 Conference
In light of the fact that the Society for Cinema and Media Studies annual conference kicks off in Chicago next week, Signs is making available, for a limited period, several articles of interest to SCMS members, or to anyone with an interest in feminist scholarship on cinema, media, and popular culture. This collection of four […]
Signs and the MLA’s 2013 Annual Convention
In anticipation of the Modern Language Association’s 2013 Convention and its theme, “Avenues of Access,” we would like to highlight some content of particular interest to conference attendees, as well as information about Signs’ presence at the conference. First, we are offering open access to two recent articles. Ellen Samuels’s “Examining Millie and Christine McKoy: […]