Ask a Feminist
Public Feminism, a Conversation with Marcie Bianco and Andi Zeisler

Marcie Bianco and Andi Zeisler join Signs Editor Suzanna Walters to discuss the current state of public feminism!
Reproduction in the Age of Epigenetics: A Conversation with Rene Almeling, Sarah Richardson, and Natali Valdez
Rene Almeling, Sarah S. Richardson, and Natali Valdez discuss the hype around epigenetics and its failure to produce the hoped-for results.
Reproduction in the Age of Epigenetics, a Conversation with Rene Almeling, Sarah Richardson, and Natali Valdez

Rene Almeling, Sarah S. Richardson, and Natali Valdez discuss the hype around epigenetics and its failure to produce the hoped-for results.
Ask a Feminist: Jennifer Fluri Discusses the Gender Politics of the US Withdrawal from Afghanistan with Sandra McEvoy

What has the US occupation meant for Afghan women? What does the US’s withdrawal mean for the future of Afghan feminists?
Trans Studies, Trans Feminism, and a More Trans Future: A Conversation with Susan Stryker and V Varun Chaudhry
A conversation about the field of trans studies and trans feminism between V Varun Chaudhy and Susan Stryker.
Ask a Feminist: Patricia Williams Discusses Rage and Humor as an Act of Disobedience with Carla Kaplan and Durba Mitra

Patricia Williams discusses Trump’s racist and misogynist legacy, the COVID crisis, and more, with Carla Kaplan and Durba Mitra.
Activism and the Academy: A Conversation with Eesha Pandit, Paula Moya, Carla Kaplan, and Suzanna Walters
Activist, writer, and advocate Eesha Pandit and professor of English Paula Moya discuss the relationship between feminist scholarship and feminist activism, and how feminist activists and scholars can best support one anothers’ work. The conversation is facilitated by Signs editorial board chair Carla Kaplan and Signs editor in chief Suzanna Walters. Recorded live at the National Women’s Studies Association Conference.