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What Is Identity Politics?
Accompanying Suzanna Danuta Walters’s Currents essay, “In Defense of Identity Politics“
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Academic Articles and Chapters
Linda Martín Alcoff, “Cultural Feminism versus Post-Structuralism: The Identity Crisis in Feminist Theory,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 13, no. 3 (1988): 405–36.
Kwame Anthony Appiah, “The Politics of Identity,” Daedalus 135, no. 4 (2006): 15–22.
Mary Bernstein, “Identity Politics,” Annual Review of Sociology 31, no. 1 (2005): 47–74.
Linda Briskin, “Identity Politics and the Hierarchy of Oppression: A Comment,” Feminist Review 35 (1990): 102–8.
Cynthia Burack and Jyl J. Josephson, “Women and the American New Right: Feminist Interventions,” Women and Politics 24, no. 2 (2002): 69–90.
Françoise Collin, “Plurality, Difference, Identity,” Women: A Cultural Review 5, no. 1 (1994): 13–24.
Patricia Hill Collins, “Learning from the Outsider Within: The Sociological Significance of Black Feminist Thought,” Social Problems 33, no. 6 (1986): s14–32.
Raewyn Connell, “Identity,” in Critical Terms for the Study of Gender, ed. Catharine Stimpson and Gilbert Herdt (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014): 156-77.
Kimberlé Crenshaw, “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics,” University of Chicago Legal Forum 1989 (1989): 139–68.
Kimberlé Crenshaw, “Intersectionality and Identity Politics: Learning From Violence Against Women of Color,” in Reconstructing Political Theory: Feminist Perspectives, ed. Mary Lyndon Shanley and Uma Narayan (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997), 178–193.
Elin Diamond, “Identity Politics Then and Now,” Theatre Research International 37, no. 1 (2012): 64–67.
Grant Farred, “Endgame Identity? Mapping the New Left Roots of Identity Politics,” New Literary History 31, no. 4 (2011): 627–48.
Estelle Freedman, “Separatism as Strategy: Female Institution Building and American Feminism, 1870-1930,” Feminist Studies 5, no. 3 (1979): 512–29.
Susan Hekman, “Identity Crises: Identity, Identity Politics, and Beyond,” Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 2, no. 1 (2007): 3–26.
Cressida J. Heyes, “Identity Politics,” ed. Edward N. Zalta, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2016).
Aída Hurtado, “Relating to Privilege: Seduction and Rejection in the Subordination of White Women and Women of Color,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 14, no. 4 (1989): 833–55.
Courtney Jung, “Why Liberals Should Value Identity Politics,” Daedalus 135, no. 4 (2006): 32-39.
Namsoon Kang, “Identity, Différance, and Alterity: Deconstructive Mediation of the Identity Politics,” in Diasporic Feminist Theology: Asia and Theopolitical Imagination, ed. Namsoon Kang (Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 2014), 41–72.
Maura Kelly, “Feminist Identity, Collective Action, and Individual Resistance among Contemporary U.S. Feminists,” Women’s Studies International Forum 48 (2015): 81–92.
Deborah K. King, “Multiple Jeopardy, Multiple Consciousness: The Context of a Black Feminist Ideology,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 14, no. 1 (1988): 42–72.
Chandra Talpade Mohanty, “Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses,” Feminist Review, no. 30 (1988): 61–88.
Dana D. Nelson, “Identity? Politics: Guest Introduction to Special Issue, The ‘White Problem’: The Critical Study of Whiteness in American Literature,” Modern Language Studies 32, no. 1 (2002): 5–10.
Adrienne Rich, “Notes Towards a Politics of Location,” in Blood, Bread, and Poetry: Selected Prose 1979-1985 (London: Little Brown & Co., 1984), 210–31.
Leila J. Rupp and Verta Taylor, “Forging Feminist Identity in an International Movement: A Collective Identity Approach to Twentieth Century Feminism,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 24, no. 2 (1999): 363–86.
Chela Sandoval, “U.S. Third World Feminism: The Theory and Method of Oppositional Consciousness in the Postmodern World,” Genders 10, no. 1 (1991): 1–24.
Joan Wallach Scott, “The Campaign against Political Correctness: What’s Really at Stake?,” Change 23, no. 6 (1991): 30–43.
Allison Weir, “Global Feminism and Transformative Identity Politics,” Hypatia 23, no. 4 (2000): 110–33.
Nancy Whittier, “Identity Politics, Consciousness Raising, and Visibility Politics,” in The Oxford Handbook of U.S. Women’s Social Movement Activism, ed. Holly J. McCammon et al. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017).
Mariana Valverde, “Identity Politics and the Law in the United States,” Feminist Studies 25, no. 2 (1999): 345–61.
Online Articles
Linda Martín Alcoff, “Who’s Afraid of Identity Politics?,”, n.d.
Corey Dade, “Identity Politics: A Brief History,” NPR, July 12, 2011.
Todd Gitlin, “The Rise of Identity Politics,” Dissent Magazine, Spring (1993): 172–77.
Wendy Kaminer, “Feminism’s Identity Crisis: The Most Effective Backlash against Feminism Comes from Within,” The Atlantic, October 1993.
German Lopez, “The Battle over Identity Politics, Explained,” Vox, December 2, 2016.
Joan D. Mandle, “How Political Is the Personal?: Identity Politics, Feminism and Social Change,” WMNST-L, n.d.
William Ruhm, “The ‘Identity Politics’ We’re Not Talking About,” The Feminist Wire, August 2, 2016.
anarchopac, “What Is Identity Politics”
The Combahee River Collective, “A Black Feminist Statement: The Combahee River Collective,” 1977.
Coalition and Solidarity
Kimberlé Crenshaw, “Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color,” Stanford Law Review 43, no. 6 (1991): 1241–99.
Jodi Dean, “Feminist Solidarity, Reflective Solidarity: Theorizing Connections After Identity Politics,” Women & Politics 18, no. 4 (1998): 1–26.
bell hooks, “Sisterhood: Political Solidarity between Women,” Feminist Review, no. 23 (1986): 125–38.
Audre Lorde, “Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference,” in Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches (New York: Crown Publishing Group, 1984), 114–23.
Bernice Johnson Reagon, “Coalition Politics: Turning the Century,” in Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology, ed. Barbara Smith, Kitchen Table Press, 1983.
Third World Gay Revolution, “Platform,” in Dear Sisters: Dispatches from the Women’s Liberation Movement, ed. Rosalyn Baxandall and Linda Gordon, Basic, 2000 (1970).
Third World Women’s Alliance, “Statement,” in Dear Sisters: Dispatches from the Women’s Liberation Movement, ed. Rosalyn Baxandall and Linda Gordon, Basic, 2000 (1968).
Linda Martín Alcoff, Michael Hames-Garcia, Satya P. Mohanty, and Paula M.L. Moya, eds., Identity Politics Reconsidered (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006).
Linda Martín Alcoff, Visible Identities: Race, Gender, and the Self (New York: Oxford University Press, 2006).
Judith Butler and Joan W. Scott, eds., Feminists Theorize the Political (New York: Routledge, 1992).
Jodi Dean, Solidarity of Strangers: Feminism After Identity Politics (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1996).
Rita Dhamoon, Identity/Difference Politics: How Difference Is Produced, and Why It Matters (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2016).
Avigail Eisenberg and Will Kymlicka, eds., Identity Politics in the Public Realm: Bringing Institutions Back In (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2012).
Myra Marx Ferree and Beth Hess, Controversy and Coalition: The New Feminist Movement Across Four Decades of Change (New York: Routledge, 2002).
Susan J. Hekman, Private Selves, Public Identities: Reconsidering Identity Politics (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2010).
bell hooks, Ain’t I A Woman: Black Women and Feminism (Boston: South End Press, 1981).
bell hooks, Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black (Boston: South End Press, 1989).
Moya Lloyd, Beyond Identity Politics: Feminism, Power and Politics (London: Sage, 2005).
Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches (New York: Crown Publishing Group, 1984).
Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Ann Russo, and Lourdes Torres, Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism (Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University Press, 1991).
Uma Narayan, Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third-World Feminism (New York: Routledge, 1997).
Linda Nicholson, Identity Before Identity Politics, 1st edition (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2008).
Bhikhu Parekh, A New Politics of Identity: Political Principles for an Interdependent World (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2008).
Barbara Ryan, ed., Identity Politics in the Women’s Movement (New York: New York University Press, 2001).
Charles Taylor, Multiculturalism (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1994).
Iris Marion Young and Danielle S. Allen, Justice and the Politics of Difference (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011).