Editors from Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society will be holding several events at the upcoming National Women’s Studies Association conference, Feminist Transgressions, which will provide opportunities to discuss the world of feminist academic publishing and hear pragmatic advice from experts in the field. Saturday, November 15: Chat with Signs Editors: Join Signs Deputy Editor […]
Posts tagged "NWSA"
Signs at the 2013 National Women’s Studies Association Conference
There are two opportunities to speak with Signs editors at the upcoming NWSA conference, Negotiating Points of Encounter. At the workshop “Academic Publishing in Women’s Studies: Journals,” Signs editor in chief Mary Hawkesworth will join editors of other top women’s studies journals–Gail Cohee of Feminist Teacher, Sandra Soto of Feminist Formations, and Ashwini Tambe of Feminist […]
Signs Events at the NWSA 2012 Conference
Signs will have several events at the National Women’s Studies Association’s upcoming annual conference, Feminism Unbound: Imagining a Feminist Future, November 8-11, 2012. Join Signs editor in chief Mary Hawkesworth, along with the editors of several other leading feminist journals, for the panel “Academic Publishing in Women’s Studies: Journals” on Friday, November 9, from 9:25-10:40 […]