Digital Archive:
Campus Cultures and Title IX
Accompanying Janet Halley’s Currents essay, “The Move to Affirmative Consent“
Other Digital Archive Pages:
Affirmative Consent | Consent & the Law | Agency, Coercion, & Sexual Violence | Campaigns & Resources | Teachable Signs Articles
Online Articles
Darializa Avila-Chevalier, Sister Outsider: Examining the Intersection between Race and Sexual Assault at Columbia, Columbia Spectator, 2015
Emily Bazelon, Have We Learned Anything from the Columbia Rape Case?, The New York Times, 2015
Alexandra Brodsky and Elizabeth Deutsh, The Promise of Title IX: Sexual Violence and the Law, Dissent Magazine, 2015
William Celis, Date Rape and a List at Brown, The New York Times, 1990
Meghan Daum, Time for Young Feminists to Look beyond the Mattress and Campus Rape, Los Angeles Times, 2015
Reina A.E. Gattuso, A Growing Movement: Students Aim to Change Culture and Policies Surrounding Sexual Assault on Campus, The Harvard Crimson, 2012
Jared Greenhouse, How Title IX Failed These Black Women Who Spoke Out about Their Rape Allegations, The Huffington Post, 2015
Jessica Grose. 10 Women on What Hooking Up and Consent Really Looks Like in College, Elle, 2015
Janet Halley, A Call to Arms, Harvard Crimson, 2015
Caroline Heldman and Baillee Brown, Why Colleges Won’t (Really) Address Rape Culture, Ms. Blog, 2014
Zoë Heller, Rape on the Campus, The New York Review of Books, 2015
Sukjong Hong, Yale’s Response to Campus Rape, The Feminist Wire, 2015
Julie Zeilinger, The Treatment of Emma Sulkowicz Proves We Still Have No Idea How to Talk about Rape, Identities.Mic., 2015
Tyler Kingkade, The Woman Behind #SurvivorPrivilege Was Kicked Out Of School after Being Raped, The Huffington Post, 2015
Laura Kipnis, Sexual Paranoia Strikes Academe, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2015
Laura Kipnis, My Title IX Inquisition, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2015
Sara Lipka, An Arc of Outrage, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2015
Jessica Luther, The Wrestler and the Rape Victim, VICE Sports, 2015
Katherine Mangan, Kipnis Case Highlights Perilous Clash of Title IX and Academic Freedom, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2015
Viviana Maymi, Here’s How I Was Raped, The Harvard Crimson, 2015
The Sex Lives of College Students, The Cut, 2015
Callie Marie Rennison, Who Suffers Most from Rape and Sexual Assault in America?, The New York Times, 2015
Emma Sulkowicz, My Rapist Is Still on Campus Time, 2014
Salamishah Tillet, Race and Campus Rape: Equal under the Law?, Public Books. 2015
Rossalyn Warren, Student Says He ‘Doesn’t Look Like a Rapist’ and Doesn’t Need Sexual Consent Class, BuzzFeed, 2015
Cheryl Corley, HBCUs Move To Address Campus Sexual Assaults, But Is It Enough?,, 2015
Popaganda: Feminism on Campus, Bitch Media, 2015
Noreen Malone, Hanna Rosin, and June Thomas, DoubleX Gabfest: The Triple X Edition, Slate, 2015

"Mattress Performance rules of engagement" by Emma Sulkowicz - Art in America. Licensed under CC BY 4.0 via Commons.
Emma Sulkowicz, Carry That Weight, 2014-15
By Know Your IX.
Lady Gaga, Till It Happens To You, 2015
Amy Ziering and Kirby Dick, The Hunting Ground: The Inside Story of Sexual Assault on American College Campuses, Skyhorse Publishing, 2016
Academic Articles
Antonia Abbey, Lisa Thomson Ross, Donna Mcduffie, and Pam McAuslan, Alcohol and Dating Risk Factors for Sexual Assault Among College Women, Psychology of Women Quarterly, 1996
Leah E. Adams-Curtis and Gordon B. Forbes, College Women’s Experiences of Sexual Coercion A Review of Cultural, Perpetrator, Victim, and Situational Variables, Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 2004
Elizabeth A. Armstrong, Laura Hamilton, and Brian Sweeney, Sexual Assault on Campus: A Multilevel, Integrative Approach to Party Rape, Social Problems, 2006
Elizabeth Armstrong, Laura Hamilton, and Paula England, Is Hooking Up Bad for Young Women?, Contexts, 2010
Laina Bay-Cheng and Rebecca Eliseo-Arras, The Making of Unwanted Sex: Gendered and Neoliberal Norms in College Women’s Unwanted Sexual Experiences, Journal of Sex Research, 2008
Scot Boeringer, Constance Shehan, and Ronald Akers, Social Contexts and Social Learning in Sexual Coercion and Aggression: Assessing the Contribution of Fraternity Membership, Family Relations, 1991
Angela Borges, Victoria Banyard, and Mary Moynihan, Clarifying Consent: Primary Prevention of Sexual Assault on a College Campus, Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 2008
Ayres Boswell and Joan Z. Spade, Fraternities and Collegiate Rape Culture: Why Are Some Fraternities More Dangerous Places for Women?, Gender and Society, 1996
Ted Brimeyer and William Smith, Religion, Race, Social Class, and Gender Differences in Dating and Hooking Up among College Students, Sociological Spectrum, 2012
Laura Buchholz, The Role of University Health Centers in Intervention and Prevention of Campus Sexual Assault, JAMA, 2015
Amy M. Burdette, Christopher G. Ellison, Terrence D. Hill, and Norval D. Glenn, “Hooking Up” at College: Does Religion Make a Difference?, The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2009
Angela M. Borges, Victoria L. Baynard, and Mary M. Moynihan, Clarifying Consent: Primary Prevention of Sexual Assault on a College Campus, Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 2008
Stacey Copenhaver and Elizabeth Grauerholz, Sexual Victimization among Sorority Women: Exploring the Link between Sexual Violence and Institutional Practices, Sex Roles, 1991
Walter Dekeseredy and Katharine Kelly, The Incidence and Prevalence of Woman Abuse in Canadian University and College Dating Relationships, Canadian Journal of Sociology, 1993
Ginger Faulkner, Russell Kolts, and Gail Hicks, Sex Role Ideology, Relationship Context, and Response to Sexual Coercion in College Females, Sex Roles, 2008
Bonnie S. Fisher, John J. Sloan, Francis T. Cullen, and Chunmeng Lu, Crime in the Ivory Tower: The Level and Sources of Student Victimization, Criminology, 1998
Janice D. Flezzani and James M. Benshoff, Understanding Sexual Aggression in Male College Students: The Role of Self-Monitoring and Pluralistic Ignorance, Journal of College Counseling, 2003
Janet Halley, Trading the Megaphone for the Gavel in Title IX Enforcement, Harvard Law Review, 2015
Stephen Henrick, A Hostile Environment for Student Defendants: Title IX and Sexual Assault on College Campuses, Northern Kentucky Law Review, 2013
Mary J. Heppner, Helen A. Neville, Kendra Smith, Dennis M. Kivlighan, and Beth S. Gershuny, Examining Immediate and Long-Term Efficacy of Rape Prevention Programming with Racially Diverse College Men, Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1999
Stephen E. Humphrey and Arnold S. Kahn, Fraternities, Athletic Teams, and Rape: Importance of Identification with a Risky Group, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2000
Stacey T. Hust, Emily Garrigues Marett, Chunbo Ren, Paula Adams, Jessica Willoughby, Ming Lei, Weina Ran, and Cassie Norman, Establishing and Adhering to Sexual Consent: The Association between Reading Magazines and College Students’ Sexual Consent Negotiation, Journal of Sex Research, 2014
Kristen N. Jozkowski, Zoë D. Peterson, Stephanie A. Sanders, Barbara Dennis, and Michael Reece, Gender Differences in Heterosexual College Students’ Conceptualizations and Indicators of Sexual Consent: Implications for Contemporary Sexual Assault Prevention Education, Journal of Sex Research, 2014
Linda Kalof, Vulnerability to Sexual Coercion among College Women: A Longitudinal Study, Gender Issues, 2000
Jennifer Katz, Effects of Group Status and Victim Sex on Male Bystanders’ Responses to a Potential Party Rape, Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 2015
Mary P. Koss, Christine A. Gidycz, and Nadine Wisniewski, The Scope of Rape: Incidence and Prevalence of Sexual Aggression and Victimization in a National Sample of Higher Education Students, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1987
Mary P. Koss, Jay K. Wilgus, and Kaaren M. Williamsen, Campus Sexual Misconduct Restorative Justice Approaches to Enhance Compliance With Title IX Guidance, Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 2014
Karen M. Kramer, Rule by Myth: The Social and Legal Dynamics Governing Alcohol-Related Acquaintance Rapes, Stanford Law Review, 1994
Christopher P. Krebs, Kelle Barrick, Christine H. Lindquist, Carmen M. Crosby, Chimi Boyd, and Yolanda Bogan, The Sexual Assault of Undergraduate Women at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2012
Mary Larimer, Amy Lydum, Britt Anderson, and Aaron Turner, Male and Female Recipients of Unwanted Sexual Contact in a College Student Sample: Prevalence Rates, Alcohol Use, and Depression Symptoms, Sex Roles, 1999
Melissa Lewis, Hollie Granato, Jessica Blayney, Ty Lostutter, and Jason Kilmer, Predictors of Hooking Up Sexual Behaviors and Emotional Reactions Among U.S. College Students, Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2012
Heather Littleton, Carmen Breitkopf, and Abbey Berenson, Beyond the Campus: Unacknowledged Rape among Low-Income Women, Violence Against Women, 2008
Megan Manthos, Jesse Owen, and Frank Fincham, A New Perspective on Hooking Up among College Students: Sexual Behavior as a Function of Distinct Groups, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2014
Patricia Yancey Martin and Robert A. Hummer, Fraternities and Rape on Campus, Gender and Society, 1989
Elizabeth Aura Mcclintock, When Does Race Matter? Race, Sex, and Dating at an Elite University, Journal of Marriage and Family, 2010
Jesse Owen, Frank Fincham, and Jon Moore, Short-Term Prospective Study of Hooking Up Among College Students, Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2011
Jesse Owen, Galena Rhoades, Scott Stanley, and Frank Fincham, “Hooking Up” among College Students: Demographic and Psychosocial Correlates, Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2010
Elizabeth L. Paul, Brian Mcmanus, and Allison Hayes,“Hookups”: Characteristics and Correlates of College Students’ Spontaneous and Anonymous Sexual Experiences.(Statistical Data Included), The Journal of Sex Research, 2000
Judy Porter and LaVerne McQuiller Williams, Intimate Violence Among Underrepresented Groups on a College Campus, Journal Of Interpersonal Violence, 2011
Diane Rosenfeld, Uncomfortable Conversations: Confronting the Reality of Target Rape on Campus, Harvard Law Review, 2015
Peggy Sanday, Rape-Prone versus Rape-Free Campus Cultures, Violence Against Women, 1996
Susan Sprecher, Elaine Hatfield, Anthony Cortese, Elena Potapova, and Anna Levitskaya, Token Resistance to Sexual Intercourse and Consent to Unwanted Sexual Intercourse: College Students’ Dating Experiences in Three Countries, Journal of Sex Research, 1994
Mindy Stombler,“Buddies” or “Slutties”: The Collective Sexual Reputation of Fraternity Little Sisters, Gender and Society, 1994
Mindy Stombler and Irene Padavic, Sister Acts: Resisting Men’s Domination in Black and White Fraternity Little Sister Programs, Social Problems, 1997
Murray Straus, Prevalence of Violence against Dating Partners by Male and Female University Students Worldwide, Violence Against Women, 2004
Lori Sudderth, Penny Leisring, and Eric Bronson, If They Don’t Tell Us, It Never Happened: Disclosure of Experiences of Intimate Violence on a College Campus, Canadian Woman Studies, 2009
Grayson Sang Walker, The Evolution and Limits of Title IX Doctrine on Peer Sexual Assault, Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, 2010
Sally K. Ward, Acquaintance Rape and the College Social Scene, Family Relations, 1991
Kathleen A. Bogle, Hooking Up: Sex, Dating, and Relationships on Campus, 2008
Carol Bohmer, Sexual Assault on Campus : The Problem and the Solution, 1993
Alan D. DeSantis, Inside Greek U.: Fraternities, Sororities, and the Pursuit of Pleasure, Power, and Prestige, 2007
Allen J. Ottens and Kathy Hotelling, Sexual Violence on Campus : Policies, Programs, and Perspectives, Springer, 2001
Martin D. Schwartz, Sexual Assault on the College Campus: The Role of Male Peer Support, 1997
freespeechtv, Understanding Hookup Culture with Paula England, 2013
Denice Ann Evans, Spitting Game: The College Hookup Culture, Media Education Foundation, 2009
Primary Documents:
US Department of Justice, Title IX
Office for Civil Rights, Dear Colleague Letter, April 4, 2011